July 12, 2024 - By: Brandon Jenkins

Photo of Author and Coach, Brandon Jenkins, standing on a pier. He writes about expert coaches.

Does your coach need to be an expert in your field?

Here’s something to consider:

Experts might not always know what’s best for us in our unique circumstances.

We all have a zillion other things going on in our lives.


-> Skills
-> Family
-> Values
-> Friends
-> Passions
-> Upbringing
-> Geographies
-> Support systems
-> Access to mentors

While experts excel in their specific roles, they might struggle to coach effectively.

It’s easy to default to giving advice rather than helping the coachee uncover their own answers.

I’m not saying to avoid coaches with expertise in your field.

I am saying it’s not a requirement.

And it could even get in the way of your learning and growth.

If you do go that route, establish early:

-> The difference between advice-giving and coaching.
-> What you expect from the relationship.

What about you?

Do your coaches need to be experts in the same things as you for you to work with them?

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